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1st Year Medical Subject wise Mcq


Main Subject Of Fsc
  1. Islamist
  2. Biology
  3. Chemistry 
  4. Urdu
  5. English
  6. Physics
Chapter#1 (mcqs)
(mcqs) topic wise

biology and some major fild


1.)the study of internal structure is

(A) morphology        (b) anatomy

(C)histology                (d) physiology 

2)The branch of biology which deals with the ancestral history of organisms is called:
(A) Genetics           (b) palaeontoly
(C)morphology    (d) Evolution

3) The study of distribution of animals in nature is called :

(A) wild life     (b) Geography 
(C) Biodiverseity  (d) zoogeography

4)Histology is the study of :

(A) cells        (b) functions (C)Tissues       (d) fossil

5) The study of parasite is called:

(A)palaeontology  (b) Histology 

(C) Microbiology  (d) Parasitology

6) The study function of different parts of an organism:

(A) Morphology  (B) physiology 

(C) Anatomy     (D) Ecology 

second topic (Mcqs)
Level of biological organization:


Mcqs topic wise 

Intoduction to biochemistry :

1)The percentage of water in bactarial cell is about:

(A) 15% (b) 18%

(C)50%  (d) 70%

2) in bactarial cells the the water percentage is :

(A)70%  (b) 40%

(C) 60%  (d) 50%

3) carbon is : 

(A) monovalent  (b) divalent 
(C) trivalent        (d)tetravalent

4) The amout of heat absorbed by water in change into gas is called:

(A) Heat capacity  (b) heat of vaporization 

(C) specific heat

(D) absorbed heat

5) The specific heat of vaporization  of water is: 

(A) 574kcal/kg    (b) 374 kcal/ kg

( C )474 kcal/ kg      (d) 674kcal/kg

6)brain cells contains water about : 

(A) 25%   (b) 35%

(C) 55%  (d) 85%

7)  in free state , glucose is present in: 

(A) dates  (b) anylose

(C) Glycogen  (d)celluose

8)  amout of solar energy requied  to sunthesize the 10 gm of glucose during photosynthesis is : 

(A)  (b)

(C)  (d)

9)The one is not a lipide : 

(A) rubber   (b) Chiron

(C) cutin   (d) cholestrole

10) fates and oils have specific gravity of about :

(A)0.8       (b) 0.10

(C) 0.12   (d) 0.16

11) Monosacchrides  which are rare in nature and occur in some bactaria

(A ) Triosis   (b)tetroses 

(C) Pantoses (d) hexsose

12) The most abundant 
Carbothydrate in nature is : 

(A)strach   (b) cellulose

(C) Glycogen  (d) ager 

13)  Monosacchrides which are rare in nature and occur in some bactaria : 

(A) triozes  (b) tetroses 

(C) pentosez (d) hexoses 

14)  which is not a poysacchrides ? 

(A) chitin  (b) cutin 

(C) Pectin   (d) dextrin 
15)  most of the monosacchrides from a ring structure whan in: 

(A) water   (b) solution 

(C) Solvent  (d) stomach

16) The covlent bond between two mono-saachrides is called : 

(A) peptic bond  (b) glycosidic bond 

(C) Hydrogen bond  (d) water bond 

17) Which is not A congugated molecule ? 

(A) glycoprotines  (b) glycosidic bond  

(C) p olysaachrides (d) lipoprotines 

18) amount of solar energy requied to synthesize 10 gram of glucose is: 

(A) 616.7 kcal  (b) 717.1 kcal 

(C) 816.kcal   (d) 917.6kcal 

19) Most of cellular secretion are in nature . 

(A) protines  (b) lipides 

(C) carbohydrate  (d) glycoprotines 

20) in free state , glucose is present in : 

(A) dates  (b) amylase  

(C) Glycogen  (d) cellulose

21)  for the synthesis of 10 gm of glucose , plant use solar energy of about : 

(A) 574kcal /gm    (b) 550kcal/ gm 

(C) 717. 6kcal / gm  (d) 717.6 kcal 

22)  gotten isthe pure from of : 

(A) cellulose  (b) glycogen  

(C) waxes   ( d) amino acid 

23) which of the following p olysaachrides product res colour  with iodine?

(A) amyllose  (b) amylopectin  

 (C) Glycogen  (d) cellulose

Phosphaatidylcholine  is
One of the comman :

(A) phopholipid   (b) sphinogolipid 

(C) glycolipid  (d) terpenoid

25) peptide bond is between :

(A) C-N    (b)  N- H

(C)  C- H   (d) C-O
26) Which type of bond is not formed in maintaining  the tertiary
Structure of protiein? 

(A) ionic   (b) hydrogen 

(C) disulfide   (d) infraction

27) keratin is an example of fibrous
Protein present in :

(A) blood  (b) muscle 

(C) bones   (d) mail and hair

28)  Amino acides are linked to each other by: 

 (A)Easter bond  (b) glycosidic bond 

(C) hydrophobic bond  (d) peptid bond

29) haemoglobin is a: 

(A) fibrous Protein (b) coiled protein

(C) globular protein (d) double coiled proteines 
30) The most abundant organic compound In mammalian cell is : 

(A) water   (b) proteins  

(C) carbohydrates  (d) lipides 

(2nd topic ) 
 Nucleic acid (DNA&RNA):

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